# DEPENDS ON: Organisations (process_orgas.sh), Libraries (process_lib.sh) # Main configuration while read cp do # main info pid=$(echo $cp|jq -r .pid) name=$(echo $cp|jq -r .name) description=$(echo $cp|jq -r .description) orga=$(echo $cp|jq -r .organisation) # Additional info checkout=$(echo $cp|jq -r .allow_checkout) duration=$(echo $cp|jq -r .checkout_duration) requests=$(echo $cp|jq -r .allow_requests) library_level=$(echo $cp|jq -r .policy_library_level) # reset values (because settings overwrites them) shape="doubleoctagon" color="${COLOR5}" border_color="${COLOR5}" additionals="" # write result in output identifier="CP${pid}" label="$(render templates/label_circulation_policies.tmpl)" save "${tmpl_gizmo}" # Make a link with organisation if present if [[ -n "${orga}" ]]; then orga_pid=$(echo $orga|rev|cut -d "/" -f 1|rev) relation="Orga${orga_pid}" save "${tmpl_link}" fi # Parse settings (if have content) settings=$(echo $cp|jq -r .settings) if [[ "${settings}" != "null" ]]; then for setting in $(echo $settings|jq -c '.[]') do pt_pid=$(echo $setting|jq -r '.patron_type."$ref"'|rev| cut -d"/" -f1 |rev) it_pid=$(echo $setting|jq -r '.item_type."$ref"'|rev|cut -d"/" -f1|rev) # reset values shape="Mrecord" color="${COLOR4}" border_color="black" additionals="" # write result in output identifier="Setting${pid}${pt_pid}${it_pid}" label=$(render templates/label_settings.tmpl) save "${tmpl_gizmo}" # Make a link between setting and Circulation Policy relation="CP${pid}" save "${tmpl_link}" done fi done <<< $(parse_json "circulation_policies")