#!/usr/bin/env bash # # Generate a dot file to create graph of RERO-ils data (orga, lib and users) # # Usage: # bash gen.sh output.dot # where `output.dot` is the output file that permit to generate a graph. # To generate the graph: # dot -Tsvg output.dot -o organisations.svg # where `output.dot` is the previous file. And `organisations.svg` the final schema you want to display. # CONFIG RERO_DIR="${HOME}/projets/rero/rero-ils" # pastel colors (Cf. https://www.color-hex.com/color-palette/5361) COLOR1="#ffb3ba" COLOR2="#ffdfba" COLOR3="#ffffba" COLOR4="#baffc9" COLOR5="#bae1ff" COMP_COLOR4="#ffd8ba" # colors you choose for different objects ORGA_COLOR="${COLOR1}" # organisations LIB_COLOR="${COLOR2}" # libraries PT_COLOR="${COLOR3}" # patron_types USER_COLOR="${COLOR5}" # users/patrons # Built variables outputfile="$1" SRC_DIR="${RERO_DIR}/data/" # TESTS if [[ -z "${outputfile}" ]]; then echo "No output file given" exit 1 elif [[ -f "${outputfile}" ]]; then echo "File already exists!" exit 1 fi # FUNCTIONS # write first argument in output file output() { echo -e "$1" >> "$outputfile" } # Output file initialization echo "" > "$outputfile" # flush output file output "digraph {" output "rankdir = RL;" output "label = \"Link between organisations, libraries and users.\";" # ORGANISATIONS orga_file="${SRC_DIR}organisations.json" cat "${orga_file}"|jq -c '.[] | { name, pid, code }'| while read orga do # take important info pid=$(echo $orga|jq -r .pid) code=$(echo $orga|jq -r .code) name=$(echo $orga|jq -r .name) # write result in output output "Orga${pid} [shape=box color=\"transparent\" style=filled fillcolor=\"${ORGA_COLOR}\" label=<${name}
(code: ${code})
PID: ${pid}>]" done # LIBRARIES lib_file="${SRC_DIR}libraries.json" cat "${lib_file}"|jq -c '.[] | { name, pid, code, organisation: .organisation."$ref"}'|while read lib do pid=$(echo $lib|jq -r .pid) name=$(echo $lib|jq -r .name) code=$(echo $lib|jq -r .code) orga=$(echo $lib|jq -r .organisation) orga_pid=$(echo $orga|rev|cut -d "/" -f 1|rev) # write result in output l_id="Lib${pid}" output "${l_id} [shape=house color=transparent style=filled fillcolor=\"${LIB_COLOR}\" label=<${name}
(code: ${code})
PID: ${pid}>]" output "${l_id} -> Orga${orga_pid}" done # PATRON_TYPES pt_file="${SRC_DIR}patron_types.json" cat "${pt_file}" |jq -c '.[] | { pid, name, organisation: .organisation."$ref"}'|while read pt do # # The char " is problematic. Delete it. # pt=$(echo $pt| sed -e 's/^"//g' -e 's/"$//g') # pid=$(echo $pt|cut -d "|" -f 1) # name=$(echo $pt|cut -d "|" -f 2) # orga=$(echo $pt|cut -d "|" -f 3) pid=$(echo $pt|jq -r .pid) name=$(echo $pt|jq -r .name) orga=$(echo $pt|jq -r .organisation) # write result in output p_id="Type${pid}" output "${p_id} [shape="polygon" sides=7 color=transparent style=filled fillcolor=\"${PT_COLOR}\" label=<${name}
PID: ${pid}>]" # Make a link with organisation if present if [[ -n "${orga}" ]]; then orga_pid=$(echo $orga|rev|cut -d "/" -f 1|rev) output "${p_id} -> Orga${orga_pid}" fi done # USERS user_file="${SRC_DIR}users.json" cat "${user_file}"|jq -c '.[] | { email, first_name, last_name, barcode, roles, library: .library."$ref", pt: .patron_type."$ref"}'|while read user do email=$(echo $user|jq -r .email) first_name=$(echo $user|jq -r .first_name) last_name=$(echo $user|jq -r .last_name) barcode=$(echo $user|jq -r .barcode) roles=$(echo $user|jq -r .roles[]) library=$(echo $user|jq -r .library) library_pid=$(echo $library|rev|cut -d "/" -f 1|rev) pt=$(echo $user|jq -r .pt) if [[ "${roles}" != "null" ]]; then displayed_roles="roles: " for role in ${roles}; do displayed_roles="${displayed_roles}${role}, " done fi # write result in output u_id="User_${email}" # Don't display barcode if no one info="" if [[ "${barcode}" != "null" ]]; then info="${info}
${barcode}" fi # Same for roles if [[ -n "${displayed_roles}" ]]; then info="${info}
${displayed_roles}" fi output "\"${u_id}\" [color=transparent style=filled fillcolor=\"${USER_COLOR}\" label=<${first_name} ${last_name}
${email}${info}>]" # Display a link if library_pid is not null if [[ "${library_pid}" != "null" ]]; then output "\"${u_id}\" -> Lib${library_pid}" fi # Display a link if patron_type is not null if [[ "$pt" != "null" ]]; then pt_id=$(echo $pt|rev| cut -d "/" -f 1|rev) output "\"${u_id}\" -> Type${pt_id}" fi done # end of file output "}" # END of program exit 0