#!/usr/bin/env bash # # Generate a dot file to create graph of RERO-ils data # # Usage: # bash gen_orgas.sh output.dot # where `output.dot` is the output file that permit to generate a graph. # To generate the graph: # dot -Tsvg output.dot -o organisations.svg # where `output.dot` is the previous file. And `organisations.svg` the final schema you want to display. # CONFIG RERO_DIR="${HOME}/projets/rero/rero-ils" # Load commons variables, functions and statements source commons.sh # Graph header title="Link between organisations, libraries and users." save "templates/header.tmpl" # ORGANISATIONS source process_orgas.sh # LIBRARIES source process_lib.sh # PATRON_TYPES source process_pt.sh # USERS source process_users.sh # Graph footer save "templates/footer.tmpl" # END of program exit 0