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require "./initializers/**"
require "amber"
require "../src/controllers/application_controller"
require "../src/controllers/**"
# About Application.cr File
# This is Amber application main entry point. This file is responsible for loading
# initializers, classes, and all application related code in order to have
# Amber::Server boot up.
# > We recommend to not modify the order of the require since the order will
# affect the behavior of the application.
# With `Amber::Server.configure` block you can redefine the Server configuration
# settings and use ENVIRONMENT variables and/or values evaluated at runtime.
# > Important! Yaml configurations are first class citizen and are loaded first before
# this file, we recommend to use yaml configurations before changing any settings here.
# Any uncommented setting here will override the YAML with the value set here.
Amber::Server.configure do |settings|
# Use your environment variables settings here.
# Name: A name that identifies this application. This is not internally
# used by the framework.
# settings.name = "Cdj Carnetdejeu web application."
# Colorize Logging: specifies whether or not to use ANSI color codes
# when logging information, display the time and/or to display the severity level.
# Defaults to true.
# Log Level defines the verbosity of the Amber logger. This option defaults to
# debug for all environments. The available log levels are: debug, info, warn,
# error, fatal, and unknown.
# settings.logging.colorize = true
# settings.logging.severity = "debug"
# settings.logging.filter = %w(password confirm_password)
# settings.logging.skip = %w()
# settings.logging.context = %w(request headers cookies session params)
# Secret Key Base: is used for specifying a key which allows sessions
# for the application to be verified against a known secure key to
# prevent tampering. Applications get Amber.secret_key
# initialized to a random key present in `ENV["AMBER_SECRET_KEY"]` or
# `.amber_secret_key` in this order.
# settings.secret_key_base= FEHWm3Fpm7vrPejFPM9x-3PLkj7C_fho6N-nIaBa19g
# Host: is the application server host address or ip address. Useful for when
# deploying Amber to a PAAS and likely the assigned server IP is either
# known or unknown. Defaults to an environment variable HOST
# settings.host = ENV["HOST"] if ENV["HOST"]?
# Port Reuse: Amber supports clustering mode which allows to spin
# multiple app instances per core. This setting allows to bind the different
# instances to the same port. Default this setting to true if the number or process
# is greater than 1.
# > Read more about Linux PORT REUSE https://lwn.net/Articles/542629/
# settings.port_reuse = true
# Process Count: This will enable Amber to be used in cluster mode,
# spinning an instance for each number of process specified here.
# Rule of thumb, always leave at least 1 core available for system processes/resources.
# settings.process_count = ENV["PROCESS_COUNT"].to_i if ENV["PROCESS_COUNT"]?
# PORT: This is the port that you're application will run on. Examples would be (80, 443, 3000, 8080)
settings.port = ENV["PORT"].to_i if ENV["PORT"]?
# Redis URL: Redis is an in memory key value storage. Amber utilizes redis as
# a storing option for session information.
# settings.redis_url = ENV["REDIS_URL"] if ENV["REDIS_URL"]?
# Database URL: This is the database connection string or data file url.
# The connection string contains the information to establish a connection to the
# database or the data file. Defaults to the database provider you chose at
# at app generation.
# settings.database_url = ENV["DATABASE_URL"] if ENV["DATABASE_URL"]?
# SSL Key File: The private key is a text file used initially to generate a
# Certificate Signing Request (CSR), and later to secure and verify connections
# using the certificate created per that request. The private key is used to create
# a digital signature as you might imagine from the name, the private key should be
# ``closely guarded.
# settings.ssl_key_file = ENV["SSL_KEY_FILE"] if ENV["SSL_KEY_FILE"]?
# SSL Cert File: This represents the signed certificate file. SSL Certificates are
# small data files that digitally bind a cryptographic key to an organization's
# details. When installed on a web server, it activates the padlock and the https
# protocol and allows secure connections from a web server to a browser.
# settings.ssl_cert_file = ENV["SSL_CERT_FILE"] if ENV["SSL_CERT_FILE"]?
# Session: A Hash that specifies the session storage mechanism, expiration and key to be used
# for the application. The `key` specifies the name of the cookie to be used defaults to
# "amber.session". The store can be `encrypted_cookie`, `signed_cookie` or `redis`. Expires
# when set to 0 means this is indefinitely and is expressed in seconds.
# settings.session = { "key" => "amber.session", "store" => "signed_cookie", "expires" => 0 }
# Logger: is the logger that Amber and other capable shards in the project will use
# instead of writing directly to STDOUT. Supply a custom logger to write to syslog, etc.
# settings.logger = Amber::Environment::Logger.new(File.open("carnetdejeu.log", "w"))