# laminoir Document generation using Pandoc with Markdown text input. # Content Document's content is available under **content** directory. Only `*.md` files would be read ([Markdown format](https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/)). # Depenencies ## ArchLinux * texlive-core * texlive-latexextra (for pdflatex) * texlive-fontsrecommended (for utopia font) # Usage ## To generate HTML ```bash make clean && make ``` ## To generate PDF ```bash make clean && DOC_FORMAT=pdf make ``` # Variables TODO: complete this section # Add page break ## PDF Just add `\newpage` where you want to make a page break. ## DOCX With [pandoc's raw\_attribute plugin](https://pandoc.org/MANUAL.html#extension-raw_attribute), just add this in Markdown files: ```{=openxml} ``` # License This software is granted under [GNU General Public License v3](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html). # Contact This project is available under [laminoir project Github's page (by blankoworld)](https://github.com/blankoworld/laminoir/).