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2014-11-19 15:42:25 +00:00
Where your contributions go
<p>This is a thank-you to my tip-jar contributors. </p>
<p>Today I spent $88.76 directly out of the tip jar on engineering samples of GPS dongles specially modified to carry the 1PPS signal out to USB. I will test them, and if the modification succeeds it is quite likely that the company I am cooperating with will begin shipping this mod in a volume product shortly. This will, for the first time, make time sources with 1ms accuracy available for less than $100 each. The application I have in mind is <a href="">fixing the Internet</a>; there are many others.</p>
<p>This is the sort of thing that happens when you donate money to support my open-source projects. Thank you; you are helping me make the world a better place.</p>