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Attack of the Malaysian Moonbats
<p>Today, a bunch of prominent warbloggers were hit by a<br />
denial-of-service attack apparently orchestrated by a bunch of<br />
comically incompetent al-Qaeda affiliates in Malaysia — and<br />
<em>I wasn’t a target</em>.</p>
<p>I’d ask what I’ve been doing wrong with my life that I missed out<br />
on the honor of being personally targeted by Osama’s fuckwit brigade.<br />
But alas, I know full well wherein I failed. This is what I get for<br />
going on hiatus for months to finish my book and put multiple spokes<br />
in the wheels of SCO. I didn’t maintain the momentum I had in<br />
2002/early-2003, and fell off the moonbats’ radar.</p>
<p>To all of you who were targeted — Internet Hagannah, InstaPundit,<br />
Steve denBeste, Charles Johnson, and others: you have my respect and<br />
my thanks for what you do every day. The war against terror is a war<br />
of ideas as well as bullets. You do great service by unflinchingly<br />
exposing the lies of the terror network and its apologists in the<br />
West. The Malaysian Moonbats, in recognizing this, have paid you<br />
greater tribute than I can.</p>
<p>Hmmm. Maybe I ought to update the <a href="http://www.catb.org/~esr/aim/">Anti-Idiotarian Manifesto</a>.<br />
Think that’d piss ‘em off enough that they’s try to DDOS me?</p>
<p><a href="http://enetation.co.uk/comments.php?user=esr&commentid=106678580001235760">Blogspot comments</a></p>