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The Terror War Comes Home
<p>For the first time in my life, I find that I am seriously considering<br />
voting Republican in a presidential election. What has pushed me to it<br />
is <a href='http://www.wbir.com/news/news.aspx?storyid=20241'>this report</a> of shots being fired into a Bush-Cheney campaign HQ in Knoxville. TN.</p>
<p>It’s not the first <a href='http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5901781/'>shot</a> fired at the Republicans. And it comes on top of a frenzy of anti-Republican hate speech that has been building even as Democrats have watched their electoral prospects sinking into a Vietnam-flavored quagmire brought on himself by the most incompetent and feckless candidate either party has fielded in thirty years.</p>
<p>We’ve seen three-year-old girls reduced to tears by Democratic thugs. We’ve seen <a href='http://www.channel3000.com/news/3776992/detail.html'>swastikas burned into the front yards</a> of those who dared to announce themselves Republicans. And all this from a Democratic left that poses as the champion of dissent.</p>
<p>This caps it. If Kerry is elected, the terrorists will have won.</p>
<p>UPDATE: As I was writing, Democratic protesters <a href='http://www.local6.com/politics/3785861/detail.html'>stormed and<br />
ransacked</a> Bush/Cheney headquarters in Orlando. Some now face<br />
assault charges.</p>
<p>UPDATE II: <a href='http://www.wisgop.org/view.phtml?func=ch&lg=&id=83'>More<br />
thuggishness</a> in West Allis, Wisconsin.</p>
<p>And these are the people who liken <em>Bush</em> to Hitler…</p>