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The Smartphone Wars: Andy Rubin brings the news
<p>Over on Google+, Andy Rubin says:</p>
There are now over 700,000 Android devices activated every day…and for those wondering, we count each device only once (ie, we don’t count re-sold devices), and “activations” means you go into a store, buy a device, put it on the network by subscribing to a wireless service.
<p>This does clear up some points people have been wondering about, but it raises larger questions. Like, why aren’t those users showing up in the <a href="http://www.catb.org/esr/comscore/">comScore statistics</a>?</p>
<p>700K users per day ought to translate to about 21M a month. But Android has only been gaining 2M U.S. smartphone users and change per month. If comScore isn’t way undercounting, that implies than a bit less than 9/10ths of daily Android activations are tablets or overseas.</p>
<p>That percentage seems pretty high to me. But I don’t have any alternate theory.</p>