Bride of the reposturgeon!

Another big repository conversion – the Hercules project – brings with it some new bug fixes and features, so reposurgeon 1.3 has shipped.

The cvspreen command has been renamed to cvslift. cvslift now generates real tag objects corresponding to cvs2svn-generated tags. Comments that read ‘*** empty log message ***’ are no longer coalesced (cvs2svn generates these). There are various bug fixes, including for a crash bug in rebuild after expunge. The default set of files to be preserved is now set properly in a repository-type-dependent manner.

I’ve moved the code to Python 3 (but don’t worry as it will run in 2.7.2 under the -3 option). No real reason except that it was about time for me to get familiar with 2to3 and the forward-porting process.

The general offer to convert your project’s repo is still open. It may not be for long. however; the Hercules conversion turned up fewer bugs and deficiencies than my last one (as expected) and the next will probably turn up fewer still.