The Smartphone Wars: A Night in the Lonesome December

The December comScore results are out, covering up to October 2011. I’ve updated my page on smartphone marketshare statistics.

There’s no drama this month; we’re seeing a pretty straight-line continuation of previous trends. Android continues to gain users and market share at about twice the rate of the iPhone, and the other players continue to dwindle towards insignificance.

Which is interesting in a dog-didn’t-bark sort of way; the October 14th launch of the iPhone 4S had no noticeable impact at all. Which is not really a surprise at this point; we’ve been through enough rounds of breathless hype followed by ho-hum before to know better.

I’m guessing the November release of Android 4.0 isn’t going to have any noticeable impact on the user numbers either. Evidently the forces driving the growth of this market are too large and distributed to be much perturbed by individual product releases, as fondly as corporate marketing departments might like to think otherwise,