Some figures that make me happy.

I got emailed summaries from a Coverity scan of the repo head version of GPSD today.

Analysis summary report:
Files analyzed                  : 86
Total LoC input to cov-analyze  : 72824
Functions analyzed              : 585
Classes/structs analyzed        : 128
Paths analyzed                  : 125590
Time taken by Coverity analysis : 00:01:22
Defect occurrences found        : 45 Total
                                   2 BAD_SIZEOF
                                   2 CHECKED_RETURN
                                   4 CONSTANT_EXPRESSION_RESULT
                                   3 DEADCODE
                                  12 FORWARD_NULL
                                   1 INFINITE_LOOP
                                   1 NEGATIVE_RETURNS
                                   1 NULL_RETURNS
                                   1 OVERRUN_DYNAMIC
                                   3 OVERRUN_STATIC
                                   6 RESOURCE_LEAK
                                   1 REVERSE_INULL
                                   7 UNINIT
                                   1 UNREACHABLE

Those of you who’ve seen Coverity scans before will know that (1) a defect rate of 1 per 1.68KLOC is pretty damned good to begin with, and (2) some of those reports are probably false positives.

I am extremely pleased, and looking forward to analyzing the detail logs.

UPDATE: Oops. Misplaced a decimal point on first post.