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So, Howell Raines isn’t a complete waste of air
<p>The NYT ran a <a href="http://www.nytimes.com/2002/09/18/opinion/18WED2.html"><br />
pro-Linux editorial</a> today.</p>
<p>That’s good. They had to slip their “communitarian” spin in there, though, as if Linux hackers are all a bunch of PBS-worshiping <cite>Mother Jones</cite> readers and natural suckers for the fuzzy-sweater cause of the week.</p>
<p>Hah. If they only knew. I’m not going to say my gun-toting<br />
red-meat libertarianism is typical, because it isn’t. Actually<br />
the mass centroid of hackers’ politics is a lot like the<br />
blogosphere’s, a sort of soft-libertarianism-leaning-towards-conservatism or vice-versa<br />
(the centroid used to be further left but a lot has changed in the last decade).<br />
Much less radical than me, but still enough to give the likes<br />
of Raines a bad case of the vapors.</p>
<p>But let’s keep that our little secret, OK? If Raines wants to believe that open-source people are some kind of cross between Greenpeace and the Ethical Culture Society, that’s just fine. We’ll<br />
take the Gray Lady’s backing. It’s another small step on the road to world domination.</p>
<p>The day will come when we will be the guys running the<br />
world’s entire digital infrastructure (not such a stretch; we<br />
already run the Internet). Our example will teach Howell’s<br />
kids stuff about the power of decentralization and voluntary cooperation, all the things leftists pay lip-service to until the<br />
last second before they’d have to actually apply them. And<br />
the world will change out from under him. Subtly. Powerfully.<br />
And in ways he can’t guess at yet.</p>
<p>It should be a fun ride.</p>