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How low can they go?
<p>Here’s another one for the file marked “Bush’s opponents are so<br />
deranged that they are good reasons to support him”. At The Corner,<br />
via InstaPundit, Tim Graham has <a href='http://corner.nationalreview.com/06_01_29_corner-archive.asp#089046'>this<br />
Driving in, I had to sample some “progressive talk” on the SOTU [State of the<br />
Union address]. At the Stephanie Miller Show, they were laughing about (and<br />
playing an audio montage of) how many times Bush used the “F-Bomb” last night.<br />
That’s their strange description of the word “freedom.” They also mocked the<br />
mentions of “liberty.”
<p>This is a symptom of how degraded the soi-disant “progressive” wing of<br />
American political culture has become. I don’t like George Bush much, but<br />
as long as his opponents behave like this they make him look like the least<br />
nasty choice.</p>
<p>But maybe I’m wrong. Maybe “respectable” liberals and the Democratic<br />
leadership will actually come out against treating the words “freedom” and<br />
“liberty” as obscenities or jokes.</p>
<p>I’m waiting…</p>
<p>(…the sound of crickets chirping…)</p>