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Memetic Success
<p>Bwahahaha! My sinister master plan for world domination is<br />
working. Straight from the pages of the highest-quality general-news<br />
magazine in English, check <a href='http://economist.com/opinion/displayStory.cfm?story_id=6826185'><br />
this</a> out! The money ‘graf is the last one:</p>
Moreover, the ease with which the internet spreads<br />
wrong-headedness–to say nothing of lies and slander–is offset by the<br />
ease with which it spreads insights and ideas. To regret the glorious<br />
fecundity of new media is to choose the hushed reverence of the<br />
cathedral over the din of the bazaar.
<p>There’s an old saw to the effect that there’s no limit to what you<br />
can accomplish if you don’t care who gets the credit. More precisely,<br />
when your signature memes start showing up as generative metaphors in<br />
elite and popular usage <em>with your name stripped off them</em>, you<br />
know you’re winning.</p>
<p>Winning, that is, at the only game that is really interesting —<br />
changing the world.</p>
<p>(Hat tip to my blogson Walter Hunt over at <a href='http://www.walterhunt.com/blog/?p=11'>Stone of Remembrance</a>,<br />
though I’d have seen it anyway in my weekly <cite>Economist</cite> and<br />
later did.)</p>