Tomcat Manager Application A scriptable management web application for the Tomcat Web Server; Manager lets you view, load/unload/etc particular web applications. Manager org.apache.catalina.manager.ManagerServlet debug 2 HTMLManager org.apache.catalina.manager.HTMLManagerServlet debug 2 Status org.apache.catalina.manager.StatusManagerServlet debug 0 JMXProxy org.apache.catalina.manager.JMXProxyServlet Manager /list Manager /sessions Manager /start Manager /stop Manager /install Manager /remove Manager /deploy Manager /undeploy Manager /reload Manager /save Manager /serverinfo Manager /roles Manager /resources Status /status/* JMXProxy /jmxproxy/* HTMLManager /html/* Link to the UserDatabase instance from which we request lists of defined role names. Typically, this will be connected to the global user database with a ResourceLink element in server.xml or the context configuration file for the Manager web application. users org.apache.catalina.UserDatabase HTMLManger and Manager command /jmxproxy/* /html/* /list /sessions /start /stop /install /remove /deploy /undeploy /reload /save /serverinfo /status/* /roles /resources manager BASIC Tomcat Manager Application The role that is required to log in to the Manager Application manager 401 /401.jsp