#!/usr/bin/env sh SCRIPT=${SCRIPTNAME:-'alpine-chroot-install'} DIR=${DIRPATH:-'/alpine'} script_url="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alpinelinux/alpine-chroot-install" script_version="v0.9.0" script_name="alpine-chroot-install" FORCE_EXEC=${FORCE_EXEC:-0} # Tests if ! [[ $DIR == /* ]]; then echo "DIRPATH is not an absolute URL. It should start with a '/'" && exit 1 fi # DL alpine install script if ! test -f "$SCRIPT"; then wget "${script_url}/${script_version}/${script_name}" -O "$SCRIPT" \ && echo "e5dfbbdc0c4b3363b99334510976c86bfa6cb251 ${SCRIPT}" | sha1sum -c \ || exit 1 chmod +x "$SCRIPT" fi # Install Alpine if ! test -d "$DIR" || ! [[ "$FORCE_EXEC" == 0 ]]; then sudo bash ./$SCRIPT -d $DIR -m http://ftp.halifax.rwth-aachen.de/alpine \ -p abuild \ -p bash \ -p build-base \ -p git \ -p lua-argparse \ -p lua-filesystem \ -p lua-toml \ -p luarocks5.1 \ -p moonscript \ -p zsh || exit 1 fi # Set rc_sys="prefix" to not disturb systemd on current system sudo sed -e 's/#rc_sys=""/rc_sys="prefix"/g' -i "$DIR/etc/rc.conf" # Launch chroot sh $DIR/enter-chroot ./build || exit 1 # Insert pkg++ configuration in chroot sudo mkdir -p "$DIR/opt/pkgxx/dev" && \ sudo cp "pkgxx.conf.example" "$DIR/etc/pkgxx.conf" || exit 1 exit 0