Ajout des fichiers restants
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This is pdfTeXk, Version 3.141592-1.40.3 (Web2C 7.5.6) (format=pdflatex 2007.12.11) 24 JAN 2008 20:03
entering extended mode
%&-line parsing enabled.
LaTeX2e <2005/12/01>
Babel <v3.8h> and hyphenation patterns for english, usenglishmax, dumylang, noh
yphenation, croatian, bulgarian, russian, ukrainian, czech, slovak, danish, dut
ch, finnish, finnish, french, basque, french, german, ngerman, german, ngerman,
greek, monogreek, ancientgreek, ibycus, hungarian, hungarian, italian, italian
, latin, latin, mongolian, mongolian, norsk, norsk, coptic, esperanto, estonian
, icelandic, indonesian, interlingua, romanian, serbian, slovenian, turkish, up
persorbian, welsh, polish, polish, portuguese, portuguese, spanish, catalan, ga
lician, spanish, catalan, galician, swedish, swedish, loaded.
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This may cause the page layout to be inconsistent, however.
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Make it at least 12.58502pt.
We now make it that large for the rest of the document.
This may cause the page layout to be inconsistent, however.
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We now make it that large for the rest of the document.
This may cause the page layout to be inconsistent, however.
[3] AED: lastpage setting LastPage [4]
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Package minitoc(hints) Warning: <W0024>
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(minitoc(hints)) in the cptrendu180108.log file.
(./cptrendu180108.aux) )
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137 words of extra memory for PDF output out of 10000 (max. 10000000)
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@ -0,0 +1,683 @@
%%% Copyright Ulf A. Lindgren
%%% Note Premission is granted to modify this file under
%%% the condition that it is saved using another
%%% file and package name.
%%% Revision 1.1 (1997)
%%% Jan. 8th Modified package name base date option
%%% Jan. 22th Modified FmN and FmTi for error in book.cls
%%% \MakeUppercase{#}->{\MakeUppercase#}
%%% Apr. 6th Modified Lenny option to prevent undesired
%%% skip of line.
%%% Nov. 8th Fixed \@chapapp for AMS
%%% Revision 1.2 (1998)
%%% Feb. 11th Fixed appendix problem related to Bjarne
%%% Aug. 11th Fixed problem related to 11pt and 12pt
%%% suggested by Tomas Lundberg. THANKS!
%%% Revision 1.3 (2004)
%%% Sep. 20th problem with frontmatter, mainmatter and
%%% backmatter, pointed out by Lapo Mori
%%% Revision 1.31 (2004)
%%% Sep. 21th problem with the Rejne definition streched text
%%% caused ugly gaps in the vrule aligned with the title
%%% text. Kindly pointed out to me by Hendri Adriaens
%%% Revision 1.32 (2005)
%%% Jun. 23th compatibility problem with the KOMA class 'scrbook.cls'
%%% a remedy is a redefinition of '\@schapter' in
%%% line with that used in KOMA. The problem was pointed
%%% out to me by Mikkel Holm Olsen
%%% Revision 1.33 (2005)
%%% Aug. 9th misspelled ``TWELV'' corrected, the error was pointed
%%% out to me by George Pearson
%%% Revision 1.34 (2007)
%%% Added an alternative to Lenny provided by Peter
%%% Osborne (2005-11-28)
%%% Corrected front, main and back matter, based on input
%%% from Bas van Gils (2006-04-24)
%%% Jul. 30th Added Bjornstrup option provided by Jean-Marc
%%% Francois (2007-01-05).
%%% Reverted to \MakeUppercase{#} see rev 1.1, solved
%%% problem with MakeUppercase and MakeLowercase pointed
%%% out by Marco Feuerstein (2007-06-06)
%%% Last modified Jul. 2007
[2007/07/30 v1.34
LaTeX package (Revised chapters)]
%%%% For conditional inclusion of color
%%%% DEFINITION OF Chapapp variables
%%%% DEFINITION OF TheChapter variables
%%%%% Fix for AMSBook 971008
%%%%% Fix for Bjarne and appendix 980211
%%%%% Fix for frontmatter, mainmatter, and backmatter 040920
\@ifundefined{@mainmatter}{\newif\if@mainmatter \@mainmattertrue}{}
\else #1
%%%% DEFINITION OF Title variables
%%%% DEFINITION OF the basic rule width
\else {#1}
\def\mghrulefill#1{\leavevmode\leaders\hrule\@height #1\hfill\kern\z@}
\CNV\FmN{\@chapapp}\space \CNoV\thechapter
\vskip 20\p@
\vskip 40\p@
\vskip 40\p@
%%%%%% SONNY DEF
\CNV\FmN{\@chapapp}\space \CNoV\thechapter
\vskip 40\p@}
\vskip 5\p@
\vskip 40\p@}
\vskip 5\p@
\vskip 40\p@}
%%%%%% LENNY DEF
\hskip -\RW%
\hskip -\px%
\vskip -\baselineskip%
\vskip -\pyy%
\hskip \mylen%
\vskip \pyy}%
\vskip 20\p@}
\vskip 40\p@}
\vskip 40\p@}
%%%%%% Peter Osbornes' version of LENNY DEF
% five new lengths
\newlength{\bl} % bottom left : orig \space
\newlength{\br} % bottom right : orig 1pt
\newlength{\tl} % top left : orig 2pt
\newlength{\trr} % top right :orig 1pt
\newlength{\blrule} % top right :orig 1pt
%%%%%%% tweaks for 1--9 and A--Z
\addtolength{\px}{\tl} %MOD change 2pt to \tl
\addtolength{\mylen}{\trr}% MOD change 1pt to \tr
\hskip -\RW%
\hskip -\px%
% \CNV\FmN{\@chapapp}\space\CNoV\thechapter %ORIGINAL
\hskip\br% %MOD 1pt to \br
\vskip -\baselineskip%
\vskip -\pyy%
\hskip \mylen%
\vskip \pyy}%
\vskip 20\p@}
\vskip 40\p@}
\vskip 40\p@}
% pzc (Zapf Chancelery) is nice. ppl (Palatino) is cool too.
\setlength{\myhi}{10pt} % Space between grey box border and text
\addtolength{\py}{-10pt} % Amount of space by which the
% % number is shifted right
\vskip 40\p@%
\vskip 40\p@%
%%%%%%% GLENN DEF
\hskip 3pt\mghrulefill{\RW}\rule[-1\pyy]{2\RW}{\py}\par\nobreak}
\vskip -1\pyy
\rule{2\RW}{\myhi}\mghrulefill{\RW}\hskip 2pt
\vskip 80\p@}
% \setlength{\py}{10pt}
% \setlength{\pyy}{\py}
% \addtolength{\pyy}{\RW}
% \setlength{\myhi}{\baselineskip}
% \addtolength{\myhi}{\pyy}
% \mghrulefill{\RW}\rule[-1\py]{2\RW}{\pyy}\par\nobreak
% \addtolength{}{}
%\vskip -1\baselineskip
% \rule{2\RW}{\myhi}\mghrulefill{\RW}\hskip 2pt
% \raggedleft\CTV\FmTi{#1}\par\nobreak
% \vskip 60\p@}
%% Fix suggested by Tomas Lundberg
\setlength{\py}{25pt} % eller vad man vill
\vskip -1\backskip
\rule{2\RW}{\myhi}\mghrulefill{\RW}\hskip 3pt %
\vskip 40\p@}
%%%%%%% CONNY DEF
\vskip -0.5\baselineskip
\CNV\FmN{\@chapapp}\space \CNoV\thechapter
\vskip -0.5\baselineskip
\vskip 60\p@
\vskip 60\p@
%%%%%%% REJNE DEF
\parskip=0pt plus 1pt % Set parskip to default, just in case v1.31
\vskip 20\p@
10pt\raisebox{-0.5\py}{\CNoV\thechapter}\hskip 10pt\mghrulefill{\RW}\rule[-1\px]{\RW}{\myhi}\par\nobreak
\vskip -3\p@% Added -2pt vskip to correct for streched text v1.31
\parskip=0pt plus 1pt % Set parskip to default, just in case v1.31
{\vrule width\RW}\parbox{\mylen}{\CTV\FmTi{#1}}{\vrule width\RW}\par\nobreak%
\vskip -3pt\rule{\RW}{2\baselineskip}\mghrulefill{\RW}\rule{\RW}{2\baselineskip}%
\vskip 60\p@% Added -2pt in vskip to correct for streched text v1.31
\fbox{\parbox{\mylen}{\vskip 2\baselineskip\CTV\FmTi{#1}\par\nobreak\vskip \baselineskip}}
\vskip 60\p@
%%%%%%% BJARNE DEF
\ChNumVar{\raggedleft \bfseries\Large}
\ChTitleVar{\raggedleft \Large\rm}
%% Note thechapter -> c@chapter fix appendix bug
%% Fixed misspelled 12
\or ONE\or TWO\or THREE\or FOUR\or FIVE
\or SIX\or SEVEN\or EIGHT\or NINE\or TEN
\ifcase\number\theAlphaDecCnt\or TEN\or TWENTY\or THIRTY\or
\vskip -1\baselineskip\vskip 5pt\mghrulefill{\RW}\par\nobreak
\vskip 20\p@
\vskip 40\p@
\vskip 40\p@
\PackageWarning{fancychapter}{unknown style option}
\ProcessOptions* \relax
{\parindent \z@ \raggedright \normalfont
\ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne
\if@mainmatter%%%%% Fix for frontmatter, mainmatter, and backmatter 040920
\if@mainmatter%%%%% Fix for frontmatter, mainmatter, and backmatter 060424
%%% Begin: To avoid problem with scrbook.cls (fncychap version 1.32)
% \@topnewpage[\@makeschapterhead{#1}]%
% \else
% \@makeschapterhead{#1}%
% \@afterheading
% \fi}
%%% End: To avoid problem with scrbook.cls (fncychap version 1.32)
{\parindent \z@ \raggedright
\vskip 40\p@
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