TMUX: correction des propriétés obsolètes

Olivier DOSSMANN 2020-01-31 11:42:20 +01:00
parent d26cedfb7e
commit 657e6f99b5
1 changed files with 11 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -40,12 +40,12 @@ setw -g mode-keys vi
# set some pretty colors # set some pretty colors
# ---------------------- # ----------------------
# set pane colors - hilight the active pane # set pane colors - hilight the active pane
set-option -g pane-border-fg colour235 #base02 set-option -g pane-border-style fg=colour235 #base02
set-option -g pane-active-border-fg colour240 #base01 set-option -g pane-active-border-style fg=colour240 #base01
# colorize messages in the command line # colorize messages in the command line
set-option -g message-bg black #base02 set-option -g message-style bg=black #base02
set-option -g message-fg brightred #orange set-option -g message-style fg=brightred #orange
# ---------------------- # ----------------------
# Status Bar # Status Bar
@ -63,16 +63,16 @@ set -g visual-activity on
# set color for status bar # set color for status bar
set-option -g status-bg colour235 #base02 set-option -g status-bg colour235 #base02
set-option -g status-fg yellow #yellow set-option -g status-fg yellow #yellow
set-option -g status-attr dim set-option -g status-style "dim"
# set window list colors - red for active and cyan for inactive # set window list colors - red for active and cyan for inactive
set-window-option -g window-status-fg default set-window-option -g window-status-style fg=default
set-window-option -g window-status-bg colour236 set-window-option -g window-status-style bg=colour236
set-window-option -g window-status-attr dim set-window-option -g window-status-style dim
set-window-option -g window-status-current-fg brightred #orange set-window-option -g window-status-current-style fg=brightred #orange
set-window-option -g window-status-current-bg colour236 set-window-option -g window-status-current-style bg=colour236
set-window-option -g window-status-current-attr bright set-window-option -g window-status-current-style bright
# status bar # status bar
#set -g status-right "#[fg=blue]#S #I:#P #[fg=yellow]:: %d %b %Y #[fg=green]:: %l:%M %p :: #(date -u | awk '{print $4}')::" #set -g status-right "#[fg=blue]#S #I:#P #[fg=yellow]:: %d %b %Y #[fg=green]:: %l:%M %p :: #(date -u | awk '{print $4}')::"